22 Jun

Going Back To Go Forward

The Decorating Divas made their first paycheck! Today we transformed an assisted living room into an area that provided more useable space and gave pride to the, “lady of the house.”

Imagine leaving your waterfront home, losing your husband of 50+ years, and taking a small room in an assisted living facility that is meant to keep your memories, clothes, bed, desk, and television.

It became apparent that “keeping stuff” was also a means of keeping control of what seemed to be lacking. We asked many questions including what she didn’t want to have moved, and in no short order we were given direction and we were then off to a great start. We created a small kitchen area, desk, tidy bookshelf, and sitting area that provided new light to read her beloved books.

The job was relatively easy in that we finished within two-and-a-half hours, but the truth would come during our check in phone call, after we finished the job. While one of the chairs had already been moved shortly after we left, it was clear that not only did the lady feel loved for what we gave in our time and talents, but she also seemed to feel a sense of pride. During our follow up she noted that, “it would take a bit of time to get familiar with her new surroundings, but she was sure it would work out”.

Sometimes compliments come in small forms and knowing that we’d made someone’s day a little bit brighter was well worth the effort!

Here are a few during and after pics.





Shelf Detail

Shelf Detail